Emily Birrell

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Emily Birrell, accompanied by her partner, met Catherine Eddowes and John Kelly whilst hop-picking in Kent during September 1888. The couples slept in the same barn. She gave Eddowes a pawn ticket for a man's shirt to take back to London as Birrell and her man were on their way to Cheltenham. This ticket was found in the mustard tin which lay beside Eddowes' body in Mitre Square. It was accompanied by another ticket in the name of Ann Kelly and both were from Jones' pawnbrokers in Church Street.

It was upon reading the press reports of the name 'Birrell' that John Kelly came forward to identify the body of Catherine Eddowes.

The only other clues in the possession of the police are two pawnbrokers' tickets which were found lying close to the spot where the Mitre-square murder was discovered... The pawn-tickets are believed to have belonged to the woman. They were in a small tin box and related to pledges which had been made in August of a pair of boots and a man's shirt. The tickets had been made out in two names - Emily Birrell and Anne Kelly - and the articles had been pawned for 1s. and 6d. respectively with Mr. Jones, of Church-street, Spitalfields, who, however, cannot identify the woman as having made the pledges.[1]


  1. The Times, 2nd October 1888